Mr. Sustainability

A place to learn about sustainability, together

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You are awesome!


We live in a world with amazing opportunities, technological marvels and brilliant people.

Like you.

Life is good. But it can be better.


We envision a world in which every human can achieve its full potential.

We believe in a future in which everyone can focus on the things that matter to them. The things that add value to life.

Would you like to contribute, inspire others and make money in the progress?

We are building a place to learn, together.

How does this work?



After you have passed a test to determine if you are worthy, you will join the community. You pay a contribution of 1 euro a week.


The next step is to share your idea. It can be anything, be creative. The community then decides who has the best idea of the week in line with our values.


You win! In addition to the undying respect and fame of the entire community - for a week - you receive all the contribution moneys!

Which idea won last week?


Our latest winner was ****** who won €8 for his idea of “Food as a Service”. In a world where every food producer is out to get you and make you buy as much food as possible (all wrapped in packaging), how about we turn things around? Why not make a subscription to food and make food manufacturers responsible for everything you can eat, wherever you want, whenever you want? This leads to different incentives for the industry; they will have to make you eat as less as possible, still healthy, with little to no waste. Another problem solved, all we have to do is do it!

You are not alone

5. For Free (1-1).gif

We know you have brilliant ideas. Don’t keep them to yourself.

Share them and connect to like-minded people.

Pursue what you find most valuable and interesting.

It is hard to make the world a better place.

But you can make your world a better place.

We want to help you achieve that.

Don’t want to join? Don’t worry! Feel free to enjoy…

Who is Mr. Sustainability?


We are just two guys with a passion for sustainability.

For now.

Who are you?


You have come to the end of the home page, wow!

That means you must really be interested in Mr. Sustainability.

You know what, you deserve a special treat for this.